Free radicals are molecules missing one electron fruit of its free electron pair, or is the result of separation homolitik a covalent bond. As a result of solving homolitik, a molecule will split into free radicals that have unpaired electrons. Electron requires couples to balance the value of spin, so that the radical molecules become unstable and easily react with other molecules, forming new radicals. Free radicals can be generated from the metabolism of the body and external factors such as cigarette smoke, the result of ultra violet radiation, radical triggering substances in food and other pollutants. Diseases caused by free radicals is chronic, that it takes many years for the disease to be real. Examples of diseases that are often associated with free radical is a heart attack, cancer, cataracts and decreased kidney function. To prevent or reduce chronic diseases because the free radicals necessary antioxidants.
Free Radical Cause Human Aging
The new theory is a lot of support to explain the changes in the aging process is the free radical theory is: The aging process takes place when cells are permanently damaged by continuous attacks from a number of chemical particles called "free radicals".
Simply put, the cell damage that accumulates over the years, until the number reached a point that can not be reversed arise diseases occur together at the end of life until the end. It is caused by a failed attempt of each cell alive and functioning appropriately, dealing with a chemical that destroys them.
Free radical theory of aging, followed by a variety of research, not only on the aging process itself, but about the diseases of aging such as cancer, heart disease, arthritis, everything seemed to come from the same source, namely the free radicals. We are at the stage where "the most important risk of death for each person at the age of 28 years or more are free radicals".
Free radicals contained in the air and food
Free radicals are a group of elements that are unstable, reactive and damaging living cells (cytotoxic), lower performance in growth substances such as enzymes and hormones as well as damaging the blood vessels and skin. The damage causes the skin to thicken, rigid, inelastic, wrinkled, pale and dry.
In addition to exposure to sunlight, there are other factors that affect the formation of free radicals, among other things: sunlight, chemicals, preservatives, colorings and flavorings, air pollution, foods high in calories and carbohydrates, treatment with ultraviolet light the long term.
Free radical is a molecule that has lost an electron, orbiting pairs. To restore the balance, free radicals seek an electron from a nearby molecule or the release of the electrons do not have a partner. Thus he created the destruction of a nearby molecule earlier.
When override DNA, particularly in the mitochondria of cells, radical causes mutations that can stimulate cells in a distorted effect. Over time, this damage due to free radicals making body is aging and sickly.
This process can be prevented by a simple antioxidant, the antioxidant is a chemical that can give a free radical electrons needed, without making himself dangerous. Thus antioxidants, stop attacks free radicals that inhibited the degeneration or the aging process is slowed.