Virus shows characteristic of life characteristic of life, ie reproduction only if it is in the cells of other organisms. Cell organism called the virus a living host cell. Thus, the virus can only live as parasites. All types of viruses have the same mode of reproduction. How reproduction of the virus consists of five stages: stage adsorption, penetration, synthesis, maturation, and lysis.
The adsorption step
The adsorption step is when the virus particles (virions) attached to the cell is attacked. Points of attachment virus in the host cell in the receptor (a special protein in the plasma membrane of the host cell that recognizes the virus).Penetration stage
Penetration stage is the stage of virus or any viral genetic material into the host cell cytoplasm.The synthesis stage
The synthesis stage is the stage of the multiplication of virus particles in the infected cell. The host cell will be controlled by the genetic material of the virus so that cells can make viral components, namely nucleic acids and proteins for the capsid.Maturation phase
Maturation phase is a phase of viral nucleic acids and proteins into intact viral particles.Lysis step
Lysis stage is the stage of viral particles exit the host cell by resolving the cell.Reproduction virus can be through two cycles, namely the lytic cycle and lysogenic cycle.
Lytic cycle. In the lytic cycle, the adsorption stage, penetration, synthesis, and maturation takes place quickly. Virus particles out of the cell is attacked by solving these cells so that the host cell death (lysis).
Lysogenic cycle. In the lysogenic cycle, DNA / RNA virus will be included on the host cell chromosome. Chromosome into which the DNA / RNA viral replication will hold. This happens continuously during cell division so that the genetic material of the virus will be passed on to the daughter cells of the host cell. So the lysogenic cycle, the virus infection enters the latency period, meaning that the host cell is not broken (dead).