The circulatory system of frogs

The circulatory system of frogs is twofold closed circulatory system and blood circulation doubles. In dual circulatory system, the blood through the heart twice in one circulation. First, the blood from the heart to the lungs and then back to the heart. Second, blood from the body to the heart and being recirculated throughout the body.

Frog heart consists of three chambers, two atria (right atrium and left atrium) and a ventricle. Between the atria and ventricles are valves that prevent blood in the ventricle does not flow back into the atrium.

Blood that little oxygen of various tissues and organs of the body flows into the sinus venosus into the right atrium. Blood flows from the right atrium to the ventricle, then headed to the pulmonary artery and into the lungs. In the lungs, released CO2 and O2 bound. Of lung blood flow into the pulmonary veins, then to the left atrium. Circulation of this happening is small circulation. Furthermore, the blood flow from the left atrium to the ventricle.
The circulatory system of frogs

Mixing occurs in the ventricles of blood containing O2 with blood containing CO2, although in very small amounts. Of the ventricles, the blood out through the tract arteriosus (aorta) to the aorta that branches off to the left and to the right. Each aortic branches into three arteries principal, namely arterior (carotid) blood to the head and brain, aortic arch blood flow to the internal network and the tools in the body, and the artery posterior blood flow to the skin and lungs.

Frog blood consists of blood plasma and blood cells. Blood plasma contains water, protein, blood, and mineral salts. Blood cells consist of erythrocytes (RBCs) and leukocytes (white blood cells). Erythrocytes in the frog has a nucleus and contain hemoglobin to bind oxygen. Leukocytes in frogs also have a core. Besides having a circulatory system, frogs also have the circulation of the lymphatic system. The lymphatic circulatory system plays an important role in the making of body fluids into the bloodstream.

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