How to Keep a Snake As a Pet

Snakes are normally feared and even shunned, particularly the poisonous and constrictor varieties, but this reptile also finds favor as a pet.

It needs a very different type of person to keep a snake as a pet. If you are considering the idea, you should put your research in place as snakes are not easy to take care of. They require a long term commitment as they live long lives - as much as twenty-forty years or more.
Phyton Snake

Choosing a snake

When selecting a snake to keep as a pet, keep away from the dangerous poisonous varieties as snake bites are often fatal. The same goes for constricting species as snakes are not easy to handle. The common beginner species which are good as pets are

  • Corn snake
  • King snake
  • Ball python
  • Milk snake

These are the more docile species of snakes. It is best to buy from a reputable snake breeder and do avoid catching wild snakes and keeping them as pets.

Housing the snake

You can keep the snake in a terrarium, vivarium, a fish tank or a tub. This needs to be enclosed from all sides as snakes can squeeze through very small openings. It also not a good idea to keep multiple snakes in the same place as they may not get along, may prey on another species and all snakes require different humidity and temperature levels.

They need a place to hide in and also some place they can climb to. You will to provide the adequate basic housing needs. It also needs to be in a certain temperature, and you may have to provide heating. The bottom needs to be lined with bark chippings, reptile carpeting or even newspaper.

Feeding The staple diet of snakes is live prey which they kill. They will eat mice, rats, worms, lizards, frogs, and other small animals. You may have to train your snake to accept frozen food and also designate an area in your freezer to keep such food. This will then have to be brought to room temperature. The only good thing is that they eat only once or twice a week.

You will also need to keep a bowl of water and change the water every day.


Snakes usually shed their skin every two or three months. During this time, they may not feed at all. If the skin does not come off properly, you may need to soak the snake in warm water for an hour and then skin will peel off.

Medical care

All vets cannot take care of snakes, so you will have to find one who is familiar with snakes. If your snake does not feed or seems listless, you should take him to the vet.

Vitamin A, D3 and calcium supplements may also be needed.

Ticks and mites are another problem which snakes can face. Ticks will need to be manually removed and mites will need an appropriate treatment your vet can advise you. You snake can also develop respiratory problems and may need antibiotic treatment.

People who keep snakes as pets swear by them. If you think you have the temperament to take care of a snake, you can consider getting one. However, snakes are not going to offer any great communication, though some of them don’t mind being stroked and petted. Larger snakes can be put around your neck and taken outdoors. Also make sure that your zoning and state law allow you to keep a snake as a pet.

How to Keep a Snake As a Pet Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Sofie