Magnesium is a chemical element with symbol Mg and atomic number 12. It is a shiny gray solid which bears a close physical resemblance to the other five elements in the second column (Group 2, or alkaline earth metals) of the periodic table: all Group 2 elements have the same electron configuration in the outer electron shell and a similar crystal structure.
Around 50% of magnesium in the body is bound in bones, only 1% were outside the cells and the remainder in the cells, normal levels of magnesium in plasma between 1.6 to 2.1 Mcg. Approximately 55% in the form of free ions, remaining bound to the protein. Magnesium in cells, plasma and bone less closely related. At deficiency, serum magnesium may be low, moderate magnesium in normal bone.
Magnesium is an important element for plant and animal life. Chlorophylls are porphyrins based upon magnesium. The adult human daily requirement of magnesium is about 0.3 g day-1.
The important role of magnesium is in reactions involving the transfer of phosphate groups, which involves ATP and nucleotides other, regulate the release of acetylcholine and potential end-plate (berantagonis with calcium), reduce calcium intake by skeletal muscle and possibly arterial smooth muscle, stabilizing the structure macromolecules such as DNA, RNA, DNA replication and the formation of complex molecules for growth, tissue repair, hormone and protein and many other magnesium roles relating to the ribosome, the cell partner particles, calcium, antithrombotic, enzymes.
Magnesium Saving Heart
Mitochondria, the energy factories in cells getting damaged due to lack of sufficient magnesium. Damage to the mitochondria of cells is considered the number one cause of aging. Intake of magnesium deficiency, causing susceptible to heart disease, according to more than 20 studies around the world. Magnesium helps prevent blood clots in the arteries.
The study by the Erasmus University Medical School in Rotterdam, in the women middle-aged and elderly who suffer from high blood pressure, mild and moderate, provide additional magnesium 485 mg / day for 6 months reduced systolic blood pressure of 2.7 mm / Hg, diastolic dropped 3 , 4 mm / Hg.
Magnesium Prevent And Improve Diabetes
The new studies found that most people with diabetes often have low magnesium levels in the cells and their blood. Robert K. Rude, MD, from the University of Southern California choose additional 300-400 mg a day preferably in the form of magnesium chloride to correct deficiencies diabetes. Mg deficiency. Magnesium deficiency causes more prone to insulin resistance. In a study of healthy people, insulin resistance 25% greater on a diet lacking magnesium.
Magnesium Making Bones Remain Strong
According to Mildred S. Sceling, MD, associate professor of nutrition at the University of North Carolina states, low magnesium levels tend to be accompanied by low levels of vitamin D, needed for bone metabolism.
Magnesium Extend
A 10-year study on 2,182 men in Wales, found that those with diets low magnesium levels, are at risk of sudden death from a heart attack as much as 1.5x greater than those who ate one-third more magnesium.