Blood Vessels and Lymph On Skin
Arteries that give blood to the skin to form webbing in subcutaneus (hypodermic) and sends branch blood capillaries into the hair follicles and glands sudoriferae (sweat glands).
Blood capillaries in the skin a lot so it is able to accommodate most of the blood from the body. The amount of blood that fills the blood vessels varies depending on the widening and narrowing of the blood vessels. Dilated blood vessels called vasodilation, and narrowed called vasoconstriction.
Widening and narrowing of the blood vessels is regulated by nerve vasomotoris. There are also woven-wicker lymph vessels on the surface of the corium. These vessels relative to one another, and the lymphatic vessels in subcutaneus.
Nerve Skin
On the skin there is a tip - peripheral nerve endings, namely:- Motor nerve fibers, which regulates blood vessel dilation (vasodilatator), as well as motor nerves that innervate musculus arrector (arector pilorum)
- The nerve endings that are cold receptors (objects Krause) and heat receptors (objects Ruffini).
- The nerve endings which is the sense of touch (Meissner objects) and senses the pressure (Pacini bodies).
- Senses to feel the aches and pains, consisting of a number of receptors is estimated at more than 2,000,000, which is free nerve endings.
- The secretory nerve fibers and glands.